Aseer Digital Communities

Aseer Digital Communities is:a project focused on building stronger and more cooperative communities by creating WhatsApp groups specifically designed to attract talented individuals and competencies from both the Aseer province and beyond. The aim is to form a high-quality community that actively participates in the prosperity of the region. Cooperative communities by creating communities on WhatsApp, specially designed to attract talented people and competencies from the people of the Asir region and from outside it, aims to form a high-end community that participates in the prosperity of the region

Tour guides and travelers

المرشدون السياحيون و الرحالة

Craftsmen and craftswomen

الحرفيون و الحرفيات



Media and influencers

الإعلاميون و المؤثرون

Those interested in history

المهتمين بالتاريخ

Entrepreneur Community

مجتمع رواد الأعمال


رجال الأعمال

Those interested in museums and heritage villages

المهتمين بالمتاحف و القرى التراثية

Volunteer teams

الفرق التطوعية

Visual Arts

الفنون البصرية

Those interested in theater, performing arts and folklore

المهتمين بالمسرح و الفنون الأدائية و الموروث الشعبى

Filmmakers and visual content creators

صناع الأفلام و المحتوى المرئي

Digital transformation

التحول الرقمى

Sports enthusiasts and athletes

المهتمين بالرياضة و الرياضيين

Writers and intellectuals

الأدباء و المثقفين

Farmers and tourist farm owners

المزارعين وأصحاب المزارع السياحية

Young men and women

الشباب والشابات


المعلمين و المعلمات

tribal sheikhs

شيوخ القبائل