Balqarn Province
Balqarn Governorate is located in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, between longitudes 41.30 – 42.05 east, and latitudes 19.10 – 19.41 north.
Balqrn Borders
It is bordered on the north by Banu Khalid, Banu Wass, Shamran, Banu Al Montasher, Al Awamer, Ghamid,
From the south, Banu Amr, Banu Shahr, Harb from the east, Banu Khalid, Bilharith, Banu Amr, Banu Shahr
From the west, Harb, Banu Issa, Ghamid,
The horn rises above the mountain tops two thousand feet above sea level.
There are several centers in the province of Balkarn: Bashout, Khath’am, Shaaf Balqarn, Al-Bashaer, Al Salamah, Shawas, Afra, Talla, and Al-Shifa.