Development of the Detailed Comprehensive Regional Plan for the Aseer province

• Tourism-led development* in line with the Aseer Strategic Plan issued by the Aseer Development Authority.

• Raising the standard of living (livability)to improve the quality of life.

• The need for a spatial legislative plan related to Vision 2030 within specific regional contexts to achieve its objectives.

• Increased focus on human development and social issues in regional economic development.

• Balanced and inclusive regional growth that limits double migration from rural areas to medium-sized cities and then to national employment centers.

• The need to increase effective participation in the labor force, especially for youth and women, and to shift the share of labor to the private sector through innovative policies and programs.

• The growing importance of regional strategies that account for sustainability in their social and environmental aspects, as well as resilience.

• The need for adequate value collection mechanisms to guide the private sector in developments that ensure balanced and inclusive growth and sound regional financial health.

• The importance of public-private partnerships in the infrastructure sector to provide basic services to the entire region and maintain major infrastructure networks and systems (transport, facilities, information technology, and communications, waste management, green infrastructure, and social infrastructure).

Renewing the strategic focus on regional connectivity (both within and outside the region) as an enabling tool for the development of thriving smart regions and municipalities.

• Support and enable regional development programs and initiatives through the right strategies, policies, legislation, and directives.

• Establishing an integrated spatial coordination framework , ensuring the integration of areas within the region, its settlements, and environment, along with proposed regional development projects and vice versa from a regional perspective.

• Developing local planning and demonstration plans for urban areas in Abha, Khamis Mushait, and Rafida to guide and monitor developments in these important cities.